Opening Hours: Sun - Thur 09:00 - 17:00

HR Philosophy

Having a strong company culture is vital for every successful organization. Culture influences everything from your daily processes to your top-level strategic decisions, leaving its mark on your brand identity, employee engagement, retention rates, and more…

Here are four of the ways ATM believes that can influence organizational culture, making it successful, adaptable, and sustainable over the long term.

1-    Taking the Lead on Culture

  • ATM works with leaders across all areas of the business to implement the established clear vision for the company culture. Open, transparent communication is vital and everyone at every level should have a clear understanding of the part they play in bringing the company culture to life

2-    Align Recruitment With our Goals

  • The people we hire and how we hire them have an enormous impact on your company’s culture, and ATM has aligned their recruitment practices with the organization’s core values.

3-    Strategic Compensation and Reward

  • A competitive compensation scheme has been launched for the employees to feel valued for the work they do.

4-    Learning & Development:

  • We believe in investing in professional qualifications and accreditation for our employees.
  • Coaching and mentoring programs have been set up for the employees.

Finally, if you are passionate enough and seeks for a challengeable journey in your career, JOIN US


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52 AlMoltaqa AlArabi
